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Research Summary
Political ideologies; problems in international law; Canadian constitutional law.
Courses & Teaching
Political philosophy; Canadian constitutional law; international law.
PhD, University of London
MTS, Harvard University
Selected Publications & Presentations
*“Cultural Studies and the Art of Ruling,” Skepsis XIX/i-ii (2008), 207-222.
“Human Nature and Reason in Aristotle’s Politics: Rationalism in the Greek Tradition?,” Skepsis XV/ii-iii (2004), 546 – 566.
*”A Critique of the Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations,” Pepperdine Law Review 29 No. 1 (2001), 15 – 32.
“Being a Citizen Under Aristotle’s Best Constitution,” Skepsis XII (2001), 123-133.
*”Intervention in Kosovo: Legal? Effective?,” ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 7, No. 2 (2001), 299 – 313.
“Concept and Conceptions of Justice,” Skepsis IX (1998), 5 – 16.
“The Fly in the Ointment: A Study of Relativism in MacIntyre and Goodman As Applied to Innocence and Guilt in Kafka’s The Trial,” The European Legacy 2, No. 4 (1997), 609 – 614.
*”How Best to Drain the Alchemist’s Cauldron: A Study of the Problems of Marine Pollution in Australia,” Australian Journal of Political Science 29 (1994), 62 – 81.
*”The Death of a Dogma and UK Membership in the European Community,” History of European Ideas 19, Nos. 4-6 (1994), 811 – 817.
*”Parliamentary Supremacy and a Constitutional Grid: the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 41, No. 4 (1992), 751 – 768.
“Theodicy and Mary Baker Eddy,” Sophia XIV, No.1 (1975), 12 – 18.
“The End of a Foreign Policy Era: Constraining Influences on Canada’s Foreign Policy in the Matter of Peace and Liberty,” in Building Liberty: Canada and World Peace, 1945-2005, eds. Conny Steenman-Marcusse and Aritha van Herk (Groningen, Holland: Barkhuis Publishing, 2005), 119-143.
H.B. McCullough, Political Ideologies. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 2010. 393 pages.
H.B. McCullough, Political Ideologies. 2nd ed. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 2017. 428 pages.
H.B. McCullough and Wolfgang Depner, Readings in Political Ideologies Since the Rise of Modern Science. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 2013. 370 pages.
H.B. McCullough, ed., Political Ideologies and Political Philosophies. 2nd ed. Toronto: Thompson Educational, 1995. 310 pages.
H.B. McCullough, ed., Political Ideologies and Political Philosophies. 1st ed. Toronto: Thompson Educational, 1989. 290 pages.